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instytut edukacji interaktywnej -  
about e-learning    why estakada?    e-learning courses

a few words about e-learning

E-learning means teaching and learning with use of Internet technologies, mainly through www browser. E learning courses are much more efficient than traditional education. Why? In any case for the two reasons.

Firstly: consistent (high) teaching standards, better availability for employees, easy content management, planning and tracking learners' progress. Pace of transfer of knowledge, attitude and skills accelerates. Time spent on a good e-learning course is often calculated at a ratio of 1:4 compared to traditional training.
Secondly: significant savings. Cost of training per 1 learner can be considerably reduced, thanks to limited engagement or lack of trainers, radical reduction in organisational costs, minimised work absence.

However, e-learning is an investment, which can bring return on condition there are a few hundred participants. Why? Because it requires a purchase and implementation of LMS. Because each course must be produced or adjusted to the organisation, and it costs more than a single traditional course.

E-learning market can be divided into content, (i.e. courses), systems (LMS/LCMS - learning /content/ management systems) and authoring tools.

Contact us if you need advise on choosing an appropriate solution.


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